Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

It's been a beautiful morning here in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras and the headquarters of Sociedad with Sr. Maria Rosa. I had Mass with the children of Pedro Attala, Sister and some of her staff. She has a beautiful chapel here full of Easter lilies and a few inspiring statues, a great refuge from the poverty around us. Pat and Larry (from Cleveland) are already off painting at Pedro Attala. I was able to visit and see that they have been inspired (through the intercession of Vince Lombardi?) to paint the buildings green and gold! The children are sweet, not allowing me to walk without several of them holding my hands and arms. I've also had the chance to speak more with Sister and her staff about several needs, from power generation to a house of prayer that Sister calls "Yo Soy", which means "I am". Sister also shared with me about Fr. William, a Canadian priest who died in her place when Sandanistas came looking for Sister, but she was gone. They asked for money, but he never carried any. They killed him when he protested their rudeness. I hope to go to where he was killed today. I also will go to the Basilca where Mary appeared, who they call Our Lady of Suyapa. Later, I'll return to Nuevo and rejoin the others. Please keep us in your prayers as you are in ours. Sister sends her love. Fr. Ed

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