Thursday, January 31, 2008


January 30 It has been another adventurous day, beginning at Nuevo Paraiso, which is our compound in the countryside. Fortunately, Carol Nelson had a good night in general after breaking her wrist yesterday in a fall at the medical brigade site. She was a trouper despite the pain, getting a tour of Honduran medical treatment that was fit for a queen, which was difficult for her, having seen the poverty here. Hopefully she can share more of that story. Meanwhile, most of our group (Fiona Matheson, Trish Warfel, Grace Daniels the Extraordinary Translator, Ruth Doanes, Deacon Marshall Denby) headed back for another medical brigade in the countryside where they weren't sure if the team would have to get out of the bus while it fords a stream. Part of our group (including Mike Warfel, Pat Bader and Norm Matheson) has been inspecting the water situation at Flor Azul farm and gathering lots of valuable information. Pat Flanigan and another team member from Cleveland came into Teguz to paint some of the orphanage (Pedro Attala) here in the city. I've been saying Mass for Sister Maria Rosa at Flor Azul yesterday and then here at her chapel in Teguz with the children from Pedro Attala. I forgot an English missal so all my Masses are in Spanish for the most part. The Hondurans are very respectful and haven't laughed. You all remain in our prayers and gratitude. Father Ed

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